Welcome to GCPD Meeting Palma de Mallorca 25-26 October, 2018

Since 2009, The Global Consortium for Prevention of Depression (GCPD) has joined experts from different disciplines that develop empirically relevant research on the topic of prevention of the disease all around the world.
Previous editions of the GCPD conferences were great successes and took place in Pittsburgh (2009), Utrech (2011), Pittsburgh (2013), Bergen (2015) and Standford (2016).
In 2018, the 6th GCPD edition will take place at The University of Balearic Islands in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 25-26.
As members of the GCPV we are delighted to be your hosts in Palma for the 6th GCPD edition.
In this web page you will find all the relevant information about the venue and registration as well as a Call for Abstract around the main topics of the meeting. Looking forward to see you in Palma next October.
Miquel Roca & Margalida Gili
Conference organizers, on behalf of the Consortium